web n. 1.蜘蛛网;蛛网状东西,网状组织;【纺织;印染】棉[毛]网;〔the W-〕【计算机】万维网(= World Wide Web)。 2.(一匹)布,织物。 3.编织品,捏造的东西;做成的圈套。 4.(水鸟的)蹼,掌皮;羽瓣。 5.一大卷[筒]印刷用纸。 6.【机械工程】连结板;金属薄片[薄条];【建筑】工字梁腹(部);圆拱;【解剖学】膜。 a web of railroads 铁路网。 a web of lies 一大片编造的谎话。 a web of life [destiny] 命运。 the web of a saw 锯身。 the web of a sword 刀身。 a twist web 【机械工程】麻花钻心。 vt. (-bb-) 1.在…上织网;丝网般密布在…上。 2.用丝网网住;使入圈套。 vi. 1.形成网状。 2.织丝网。
The complexity of the food web is thus greatly simplified . 这样,错综复杂的食物网就大大简化了。
Food web game - a demonstration of how living things are related to each other . 食物网游戏让学生了解生物之间的关系。
In the sea , at the base of what scientists call the food web , are single - celled plants 在海洋中,科学家所谓的食物链网最低层,是单细胞植物。
On a larger scale , food webs and ecosystems can be represented as networks of species 在更大的尺度上,食物链与生态系统则相当于物种所构成的网络。
Whatever happens to zooplankton in the ocean has an immediate impact on the rest of the marine food web 任何影响海中浮游动物的事件,都会立即牵连到海洋食物网其他的部份。
Fallen leaves of mangroves are important food for shrimps , crabs and fishes . the leaves also serve vital links in the wetland food web 红树的落叶碎屑,是虾、蟹及鱼类的重要食物,并且也是湿地食物网的重要环节。
" our study provides evidence that the loss of great sharks triggers changes that cascade throughout coastal food webs , " said baum 波姆表示:我们的研究证明,大型鲨鱼的减少,已对海岸地区的食物链造成一连串的影响。
The position a particular animal occupies in the strata of a food web is determined by its size , the anatomy of its mouthparts and its feeding preferences 一种动物在食物网中所?的位置,是由?的体型、口器构造与食性来决定的。
The study significance and status of food web in soil are analyzed and the function of soil food web in soil ecosystem is also stated 简述了土壤食物网的研究意义及国内外研究现状,阐明了土壤食物网各结构成分在土壤生态系统中的功能作用。
Soil nematodes are the most abundant metazoan , which have various types of life - history and feeding habits , and play a key role in soil food web 线虫作为土壤中数量最丰富的后生动物,其生活史和取食类型多样,在生态系统中发挥着重要作用。